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When are you travelling?
Select the dates you will depart and return to your home.
Cover starts on the date you select, and you will have 12 months of cover from this date.
Tell us more about who's travelling
If you wish to add more than 10 travellers, please call us on 1800 196 484.Dependent children cannot travel without an adult. Please change to non-dependent children or select the adult they're dependent upon.Enter the ages of each adult traveller, based on their age today. Adults must be aged between 18 and 118. You don’t need to let us know the age of dependent or non-dependent children to get a quote.
You’re logged in, so we’ve filled in your age for you.
You're logged in, so we've filled in your age for you. For additional adult travellers, enter ages based on their age today. Adults must be between 18 and 118.